Did you know that indulgent lifestyle choices, exposure to pollution, chemicals found within our food, alcohol, stress and fatty foods can all impact negatively on our liver and digestive system? A summer detox can be a great way to show your liver, kidneys and digestive systems some much-needed love. A summer detox may be the key to look and feel fantastic and have the energy to fulfil your health and wellness goals for the year ahead.
The following products are ideal for people who:
• Are wanting to start a detox or cleanse program
• Are carrying excess weight and wanting to kick start a fitness goal
• Have overindulged in fatty foods and alcohol
• Are struggling with digestive challenges – constipation, bloating, reflux, excessive gas
The following Modere products work to address many of the challenges that people have when desiring to get healthy. As we age, our metabolism typically may slow down and we might find it harder to lose weight, we may also find that we are reaching for unhealthy food choices out of being time poor, eating on the run and low energy. We may also find that because of these poor dietary choices, that our digestive system is sluggish, that we are needing to use over the counter medications to address issues such as reflux, constipation, excessive gas and bad breath.
Burn is a multi-action formula using elements of the Mediterranean diet to stimulate thermogenesis (heats the body and boosts metabolism). It uses caffeine from coffea robusta which is a natural thermogenic to increase energy expenditure which may assist in burning calories and increasing feelings of being energized.
This medicine may not be right for you. Read the warnings in the usage tab before you purchase.
Ignite is a multi-action formula using elements of the Mediterranean diet to enhance lipolysis and fast loss. It uses caffeine from coffea robusta which is a natural thermogenic to increase energy expenditure which may assist in burning calories and increasing feelings of being energized.
This medicine may not be right for you. Read the warnings in the usage tab before you purchase.
Modere’s Chocolate Shake Pea Protein is a vegetarian, vegan and gluten free formulation designed to promote feelings of satiety and appetite control. Pea Protein contains a high amount of Branch chain amino acids (BCAA) and has a low carbohydrate content. It is a perfect protein option for those opting out of traditional dairy based (Whey proteins) due to dietary allergies or lifestyle preferences in favour of a low allergenic, tummy friendly, clean plant based protein supplement. Modere’s chocolate shake pea protein makes a great on the go- meal replacement that not only tastes delicious but is great for you as well.
Modere Fibre plus prebiotic provides a blend of both soluble and insoluble fibre, as well as prebiotic bacteria to help support a healthy condition in the colon and overall digestive function. Adequate fibre in the diet can promote optimal digestive wellness through the elimination of toxins, reducing the symptoms of poor digestive function (bloating, reflux, constipation, heartburn and halitosis).
Modere Sync addresses the age old challenge that many people find themselves having when counting calories, they can feel like they are always hungry and missing out on a delicious treat. Not only does this product address satiety (through the inclusion of soluble, insoluble and prebiotic fibres), it can be used for times when you are craving something delicious without un-doing all of the good that you are implementing on your health and wellness journey. Sync incorporates fibre which not only keeps the body regular, but also may assist with the feeling of fullness and satisfaction.