There is nothing worth celebrating more in the Australian summer than our beautiful beaches and our warming sun. It’s no secret that we are a sun-loving lot. With our wide open spaces, active lifestyles, fantastic climate and a land that’s girt by sea, why wouldn’t we be? But for all its loveliness, the sun’s rays can be damaging and ageing to our skin.
With summer already here, we need to step up our efforts in protecting our skin. Depending on conditions and where exactly you live, as little as twelve minutes unprotected exposure to direct sunlight can cause permanent changes or damage to your skin… which is a pretty scary stat.
We all know how important it is to lather up your sunscreen before you head outdoors (apply no less than 15 – 20 minutes before), as they are designed to protect you for the time you spend in the sun. Our favourite is Modere’s Sunscreen SPF 50+. Not only is it an all-weather sunscreen but it protects and soothes the skin, balancing the epidermal moisture levels to keep your skin feeling and looking healthy. The hydrating cream base in this Sunscreen is virtually invisible once applied and keeps skin soft and lightly scented with pure essential oils. The primary active ingredient zinc oxide also provides a physical barrier, protecting the skin from both UV-A and UV-B rays.
For best results, be sure to have a handsome lifeguard apply it! Speaking of help, ask them to help set up your tent down by the beach too to create some more shade for you. It’s also a good idea to cover a little more with protective clothing, hats and eyewear whenever you’re in the sun for long periods of time to protect you even more from those rays.
Enjoy summer everyone, stay protected and read more articles from our new This Clean Life The Celebrate Edition.