Phytonutrients – what are they and why are they trending right now? It’s known that adding a variety of phytonutrients into your diet can have many health benefits, but you’ll need more than just an apple a day to reap the rewards. Let’s talk about what phytonutrients are, how to incorporate them into your diet, and what to do if you need an extra phyto-boost.
Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plants. This includes fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, legumes and even some edible flowers – there are over 25,000 different phytonutrients available. Phytonutrients are thought to be part of the plant’s “immune system”, protecting them from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. When consumed by humans, phytonutrients work with other essential nutrients in a variety of ways, targeting multiple areas of the body to optimise function and health.
Sometimes referred to as phytochemicals, many of these compounds give plants their colour pigment, making colour a great way to determine how rich in phytonutrients the plant is. These foods are usually also rich in aroma and flavour, which makes them delicious as well as beneficial. However, less-pigmented foods like garlic and onions are not to be underestimated, as even they can pack a phytonutrient punch.
The best way to utilise the benefits of phytonutrients is by quite literally “eating the rainbow”. Each colour provides a unique blend of compounds, with no one colour being better than another. As mentioned, the interactions phytonutrients have with vitamins, minerals, fibre and essential fatty acids are also key for optimisation within the body. Maintaining a balanced diet that contains a spectrum of different plant colours and forms provides your body with a variety of phytonutrients to help improve health. Evaluate your meals and snacks – are you including as many different plant-based colours as you can?
Here is a list of phytonutrients grouped by colour to incorporate into your daily diet:
- Red foods are rich in antioxidants lycopene and anthocyanin that may protect cells from damage. This includes raspberries, tomatoes, cherries, beets, apples, cranberries, strawberries, watermelon and red peppers.
- Orange and yellow foods contain carotenoids which can be converted within the body to vitamin A. This includes sweet potatoes, pineapple, carrots, pumpkin, mangoes, apricots, peaches, yellow pepper and corn.
- Green foods are rich in sulforaphane, isocyanate, and indoles, as well as the natural plant pigment chlorophyll. This includes avocados, broccoli, kale, spinach, kiwi fruit and green herbs (sage, thyme, mint, rosemary, basil).
- Blue and purple foods contain anthocyanins which are strong antioxidants that protect cells from damage. This includes eggplant, plums, blueberries, blackberries, prunes, figs, purple cabbage and lavender.
- White and brown foods are rich in allicin and anthoxanthins. Some are also a great source of potassium. This includes bananas, potatoes, leeks, parsnips, garlic, cauliflower, mushrooms and onions.
Did You Know, Less than 10% of Australians eat the recommended amount of 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables daily.
If you’re not sure where to start, here are some of our top tips to get more colour onto your plate:
- Understand your servings: the recommended amount of 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables daily. One serve = ½ cup cooked vegetables or 1 cup of leafy greens; 2 small pieces or 1 medium piece fresh fruit or one cup of chopped fruit.
- The 2 method: Try to add 2 serves with breakfast, 2 with lunch and 2 at night to get enough phytonutrients daily.
- Utilise snacks: Grab some raw vegetables or fruit to go so that you’re not tempted by junk food when cravings strike.
- Evaluate your cart: A colourful cart = a phyto-rich plate. Swap out similar-coloured foods for more variety.
- Shop locally: Try the local farmer’s markets for a great source of fresh produce. If you’re not sure how to prepare vegetables and fruits that are new and different to your usual picks, ask the sellers – they know their produce best!
- Shop frozen: Although seasonal produce is best, sometimes it can be limited and expensive. Frozen vegetables and fruits are just as nutritious!
Plant-based phytonutrient supplements can help fill in the gaps when your daily vegetable and fruit intake is falling short. Take wellness to the next level with Modere Axis™ Phytos. With potent green, red and gold phytonutrients, Axis PhytoGreens, Axis PhytoReds and Axis PhytoGolds, work synergistically to help support a healthy lifestyle. More than a superfood†, Modere Axis Phytos are concentrated and formulated to be highly bioavailable and bioactive, and each scoop offers a wide range of benefits with ingredients your body can readily use.
- Contains aquatic and leafy greens: spirulina, chlorella, kale, green tea, parsley, spinach, barley grass, rosemary, aloe vera and dandelion.
- Phytonutrient-rich fruits: lime, avocado, apple, pineapple, acerola, grapeseed, bilberry and papaya.
- Roots and fungi: Asian ginseng root, liquorice root, eleuthero root and shiitake mushroom.
- Primary benefits: Optimises antioxidant intake, supports digestive health and alkaline diets.
- Contains polyphenol-rich berries: raspberry, acai, strawberry, blackberry and blueberry.
- Red fruits to help support antioxidant capacity: grape and pomegranate.
- Highly bioavailable vegetables: red beet, tomato and carrot.
- Primary benefits: Optimises antioxidant capacity, supports digestive health and antioxidant diversity.
- Contains fermented spices: ginger and turmeric with black pepper.
- Soothing digestive botanicals: ginger root, cardamom and vanilla bean.
- Primary benefits: Supports digestive health and antioxidant capacity.
Now, getting your daily servings of phytonutrients is easier than ever. Whether you mix them with water, incorporate them in your cooking or blend them into your morning shake to go, just add Modere Axis™ Phytos for a daily wellness routine that’s simple, effective and delicious! There’s no better way to eat the rainbow. Give your body the best in clean, cutting-edge nutraceutical science and tell us how you feel! For some delicious Modere Axis™ Phytos recipes, check out our recent blogs on The Latest.
†Modere Axis™ Phytos contain more phytonutrients than individual superfoods.